50 Days to More: Day Fifty!

Day Fifty (2/25/18): Conclusion
Welcome to Day Fifty! This is the end; can you believe it? Our prayer is that throughout these 50 days you have learned what living a life of increase is all about. It’s about MORE, not just so that we can have more for the sake of having more. But it’s about MORE, so we can BE more, DO more, HAVE more, and SEE more work being done for God’s Kingdom through our lives than ever before!

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Nine

Day Forty-Nine (2/24/18): The Precious Seed
In our reading today we are studying one of the most challenging instructions God ever gave Abraham. He asked him to sacrifice his one and only son! He was the child God promised him. Abraham and Sarah waited MANY years to see the birth of Isaac come to pass. He was the promised son of Israel; Abraham’s heir to all of God’s blessings! And now God has just asked him to sacrifice this boy on an altar before Him!

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Eight

Day Forty-Eight (2/23/18): The Targeted Seed
Recommended Reading: Matthew 13:1-9

Today’s reading is the Parable of the Sower. In this parable Jesus tells of a farmer sowing seed into four different kinds of soil, and there were four different results. The seed that fell on the good soil produced grain and harvests of up to hundred, sixty, and thirty fold!

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Seven

Day Forty-Seven (2/22/18): The Daily Seed & The Seed of Honor
Recommended Reading: Matthew 6:1-24

In our recommended reading today Jesus teaches the disciples the famous “Lord’s Prayer”. Part of Jesus prayer says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” In other words, he is asking for provision from the Father to have all that we need or desire for that day. Today we are going to discuss the importance of sowing daily seeds.

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Six

Day Forty-Six (2/21/18): Sowing Expectantly
Recommended Reading: Psalm 62:1-8

If we want to get anything back from the seeds we sow, we have to sow them with expectation. We have to have faith in God’s promise and trust that he will grow our seeds. Faith assures us of the things that we are expecting.

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