Posts tagged bible reading
Declaring More Through Worship 2

Declaring More Through Worship 2:
In our last post I wrote about how several worship songs have been connecting with me through these devotionals and prayers for MORE. During this season of 2018, I really believe God is preparing His people to actually start living the abundant life! Many believe that their lives after having received Christ are much more full than they were previously. And this is true for many in their spiritual walk, but some have yet to experience this blessing of more in their finances. If we truly believe God is a God of abundance, then why not believe that He wants His people to live blessed financially?

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Declaring More Through Worship

Declaring More Through Worship:

This past week we finished our devotional series, "50 Days to More!" As we have been dwelling on what it means to seek after this lifestyle that God is calling us to, there have been several worship songs that have resonated this same message. We believe that God wants to do MORE in us and through us in this season, and we also believe in the power of proclaiming what the Holy Spirit is saying in praise, worship, and prayer.

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50 Days to More: Day Fifty!

Day Fifty (2/25/18): Conclusion
Welcome to Day Fifty! This is the end; can you believe it? Our prayer is that throughout these 50 days you have learned what living a life of increase is all about. It’s about MORE, not just so that we can have more for the sake of having more. But it’s about MORE, so we can BE more, DO more, HAVE more, and SEE more work being done for God’s Kingdom through our lives than ever before!

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Nine

Day Forty-Nine (2/24/18): The Precious Seed
In our reading today we are studying one of the most challenging instructions God ever gave Abraham. He asked him to sacrifice his one and only son! He was the child God promised him. Abraham and Sarah waited MANY years to see the birth of Isaac come to pass. He was the promised son of Israel; Abraham’s heir to all of God’s blessings! And now God has just asked him to sacrifice this boy on an altar before Him!

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50 Days to More: Day Forty-Eight

Day Forty-Eight (2/23/18): The Targeted Seed
Recommended Reading: Matthew 13:1-9

Today’s reading is the Parable of the Sower. In this parable Jesus tells of a farmer sowing seed into four different kinds of soil, and there were four different results. The seed that fell on the good soil produced grain and harvests of up to hundred, sixty, and thirty fold!

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