Kingdom Culture: Passionate People

Establishing Kingdom Culture, on earth as it is in heaven, means to have purpose in everything we do. Every day of this life, we must live passionately for one thing above all – to exalt the name of Jesus our King! We must be dreamers, doers, and people who are constantly in step and in sync with what God the Father is doing in the hearts of His people. If you find yourself living without passion, decide today to turn around! Seek Him as you did at first, and seek to let Him make you a person of influence for His glory.

Passion is a fire in your spirit and mind, conceived in vision and ignited by desire, that enables you to do anything and have anything God desires for you!
— Dr. Mike Brown

7 Things for Passionate People (Dwell on these points!):

1.    The passionate look ahead to the future, not around at the present, nor back to the past.

2.    The passionate are not intimidated by the strategies of the enemy.

3.    The passionate seek the Kingdom of God as a priority.

4.    The passionate realize the power of words and how much God pays attention to your words.

5.    The passionate welcome mentorship and correction.

6.    The passionate constantly honor the positions the Lord places them in.

7.    The passionate always do more than what is required.


Your Creator put whatever you are passionate about inside you – on purpose! When your heart is aligned with the word of God, what you want in life and what God wants for your life = the same thing. Renew your passion for God by looking at your passions in other areas, how can they come together for His glory?! Channel your passion, today, to do something significant for the sake of the Kingdom.

- Meredith Hobbs